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Welcome to DJ Dirrty's Muzik Forum.
I am Dj Dirrty Gus resident Dj at The Reef Bar in Rocky Point Mexico. If you like the items go out and buy it to support the artists and stars. If `you download it and never buy it you are stealing. Remember that.
With all that in mind pull up a chair look around and most of all have fun.
Thanks for your support,
Dj Dirrty Gus
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22Moonlight vs. Blood Ties
20th December 2009, 6:01 pm
smithmiller6 View latest post

Introduction and New Release Info

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The lastest news on remix service releases. You can post as well.
326498120 New Uploads - 6-J...
22nd May 2011, 1:23 pm
wangjun View latest post
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Remix Service Web Pages

This will help you DJ's in locating different remix services to purchace.

1428Apple MacBook Pro , Rane RPM 88 Mul...
30th June 2011, 6:07 am
DJYAP  View latest post

Where Da Dirrty Info Lives

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My Spaces . com's

If you hav eyour own or know a good myspace let others know.

6390Numarks and DJ Equipments available...
30th June 2011, 6:06 am
DJYAP  View latest post
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Record Labels

Mayjor and Indie labels

59Atlantic Records + Artist Listings...
10th June 2008, 11:23 am
kaos View latest post
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Official Artist sites

Artist/actors official web page. Mayjor / Indie

2022Official Three 6 Mafia Site
10th June 2008, 4:34 pm
kaos View latest post
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